Grant Schroeder

Grant Schroeder is a Geffen Scholar at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. He received his bachelor’s degree in human biology from the University of California, Berkeley, where he won the University Medal as the most distinguished graduating senior of his 2017 class. At Berkeley, Grant researched the mechanics of skin morphogenesis in Richard Harland’s developmental biology laboratory, and was second-author on a Science publication. Before starting medical school at UCLA, Grant spent a year studying stem cell therapies for musculoskeletal tissue regeneration in the Gazit Laboratory within the Regenerative Medicine Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. His research interests include tissue engineering, stem cell biology, biomaterials, and surgical devices, and he hopes his background in biology/medicine supplements the engineering prowess of the Khademhosseini Lab. Grant enjoys staying fit in his free time; a former collegiate athlete on the Cal Water Polo team, he now enjoys competing in triathlons.
