James Eichenbaum

James Eichenbaum is a third-year undergraduate researcher who joined C-MIT in 2018.  James’ passion for bioengineering began in his hometown of Gilroy, California, where he graduated from Christopher High School.  At UCLA, he is earning a bachelor’s degree in bioengineering with a minor in biomedical research.   Currently, his research interests include tissue engineering, 3D-bioprinting, shear-thinning biomaterials, and microfluidic organs on chips.  His most constructive experiences from working in the Khademhosseini Lab have originated in working with colleagues from a wide range of academic and cultural backgrounds.  If he’s not in the lab, you can find him at any UCLA athletic event conducting the UCLA Marching Band as Drum Major or playing the trombone.

contact: jamesveich@gmail.com