Ana Lopez Hernandez
Ana Lopez received her PhD in “Environmental Chemistry Engineering” at the Industrial Engineering School of the Technical University of Madrid (ETSII-UPM), in the group of Optics, Photonics and Biophotonics at the Center for Biomedical Technology CTB-UPM in Madrid.
During her PhD she worked on the optimization of label-free optical biosensors based on Resonant Nanopillars in the frame of the European project Enviguard (GA 614057). After that she has been involved in European Project Allerscreening (768641) for the development of a multiplexed biokit for allergens detection.
She holds a great expertise in biosensors development. For that she worked with spinners, photolithography equipment’s and different dry (ICP-RIE) and wet etching strategies. She managed characterization equipment’s as XPS, SEM, AFM and fluorescence microscopy. Also she worked on the development of the fluidic set-up for biomolecules detection. She worked with different bio-applications (Antigen-antibody), for multiplexed measurement of proteins, toxins, virus and bacteria. She studied various strategies of chemical treatment for biofunctionalization of diverse substrates including polymer based and chemical surface modification approaches. Also she faced matrix effect problems from real samples, and she worked on the development of diverse solutions.
She joined Khademhosseini´s lab in October 2019 as postdoctoral Marie Sklodowska Curie fellowship for the development of a multiplexed biosensing and tissue-on-a-chip integrated platform for breast cancer biomarkers monitoring.