Hao Liu
Hao Liu is a fourth-year PhD candidate of Biomedical Engineering at Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. His major research interest lies in employing biocompatible soft materials with human tissue-like mechanical properties (e.g., paper, hydrogel), for body-worn bendable and stretchable biomedical monitoring. So far, he has shared his reearch outcomes with academic papers on top international journals, and oral and poster presentations in worldwide conferences and workshops. Besides, he has been awarded the National Scholarship of China for three times attributing to his achievements in research, as well as social contributions. Hao joined Prof. Khademhosseini’s Lab in January 2019 as a visiting graduate researcher funded by the China Scholarship Council. Currently, he collaborates with Dr. Shiming Zhang to develop transient electronics based on biodegdarable hydrogels. Apart from the enthusiasm in science, technology and research, Hao is also a maniac in football, automobiles, touring and photography.
Contact: haoliu.gooner49@gmail.com