Jamileh Jahangiry
Jamileh Jahangiry is M.Sc in organic chemistry, Tehran, Iran. She had experiment of research in Nano Drug Delivery System at Azad Tehran University Central Branch Iran; specialist and supervisor at biopharmaceutical company, Pooyesh Darou, Tehran Iran; Also, she has experience as a Reserch Technologist, doing research on cancer treatment and immuno-monitoring in department of Immunology and cancer research program for Prof. Harry Yoon’s, department of Oncology at Mayo Clinic Rochester Minnesota.
Currently, at the California NanoSystem Institute (CNSI) and the Center for Minimally Invasive Therapeutics (CMIT) at the UCLA, under supervision of Prof. Khademhosseini.
She has joined the Prof. Khademhosseini’s laboratory in October 2018 in the CNSI, University of California, Los Angeles, as a volunteer researcher in drug delivery system and biomaterial engineering.